Tag Archives: mirrors

sun porch mirror,shabby chic styling, and quiet

Salutations! I’ve been having some fun here in my quirky little cottage with the wonky furnishings and shabby decor while this homestead is feeling not quite so full. Honey has been on work travel for what seems like most of the summer, and the long, hot days are feeling even longer. So to keep myself busy in those quiet hours between morning and night, when the supper dishes are still drying, and mother nature has cast her magical sort of […]


floral paper meets vintage mirror~ DIY art

Salutations! I’ve been working on this wallpaper backed mirror on and off for the past couple of weeks. The mix of vintage mirroring and floral paper creates something quite lovely, and even a bit magical. It’s a fun project and any old (or new) mirror will work for this. For mine, I used new pink floral wallpaper that I had ordered online earlier this year, but vintage papers are especially nice for this project. I first saw something like this […]


gold above the mantel and our new friend Scout!

Salutations from the spring-y coast of ol’ VA! It’s looking like we’re getting treated to an early spring here in the land of shabby cottage treasures and charming cheeky puppies! The air is warm by late morning and the color is blooming all over town. Give me spring, lots of spring… in late February! Grin. fresh cut grass juicy strawberries birds singing their song pink trees waking with the sun I’m always changing things around with the seasons, and sometimes […]


creating a gallery wall

Salutations! Welcome to a project that took me way too long to complete. Here’s our big fat white wall right smack dab when you enter through our front door, the one that’s been keeping me up at night for, oh I’d say the past four years. It’s a ton of wall space and I couldn’t seem to figure out what in the world to do with it. When we first brought in the piano I hung a large mirror over […]


a sweet little vintage mirror in the stairwell

Salutations! I’m blogging in today with a sweet little vintage mirror I hung in our stairwell. Its unique shape and etching detail makes it quite the looker. I was so nervous about this! Not the mirror exactly, but the hole I was about to hammer into my freshly painted plaster. Yikes! This pretty little mirror sat in the living room for a week or so taunting me until I finally got out the hammer and went for it. Yes, I […]


time to let go

Good morning Cottage Fix Crew! We’re getting back on track here after a long run of rotten luck. Our washing machine quit working this past weekend, and along with a dryer that’s been on the fritz for the past year or so we went ahead and purchased a new set. Our bad luck has become almost comical! Honestly we’re walking on pins and needles around here waiting for the next thing to break or crack. Yikes! Without that pesky laundry […]


vintage mirrors and bright pink peonies

Salutations! I’ve been at it again, shuffling things around, up to shenanigans, or what Honey likes to call “up to no good!” He’ll be happy to know that this collection of vintage mirrors was created with the ones I had already acquired on another day when I was knee deep in some other shenanigans. I just brought them all together to hang out and get to know one another here on the big blank wall in our living room—the big […]


French inspired vintage mirror

Happy Friday guys! I’m blogging in today with a sweet little French inspired vintage mirror. I’m not entirely sure of it’s history, but to me it looks a little French/Paris apartment like. Of course a super chic mirror must feel right at home in this shabby filled cottage with a lady who spends her mornings blogging in pajamas. That’s chic, right? It’s certainly a mixed bag around here. While cottage and everything cottage will always be my first and number […]