Tag Archives: farm house

silvery sage painted chest

Hola Cottage Fix Crew! Long time no see. It’s been a crazy end of summer around here and even though I’ve been working on a couple of DIY projects, i haven’t had an opportunity to share them with you. So I’m very excited to get back into the swing of things! And today it’s all silvery sage paint with some farmhouse inspired styling. I wanted to give this old vintage chest a freshen up, and I’ve also been trying to […]


Cottage Fix crates and candlelight

Hello there Cottage Fix friends. It feels like it’s been raining here for days now, which is just about true. Whenever it rains steady like this for days at a time, I start to feel like I’m on the movie set of Godzilla with Mathew Broderick. Anybody see that one? It’s an oldy, but a goody! The cast spends much of the movie out in the pouring rain chasing and running from the big scaly girl. Yesterday I was ever […]


Farmhouse style heirlooms and Friday flowers

Good summer morning to you Cottage Fix friends! It’s still feeling like summertime here near the Virginia coast, that I can say for sure. I’m dreading the forecast for tomorrow, a heat index of over 100 degrees. The only way to endure the outdoors in stifling heat like that is to be near the shore. But Mr. Manly and I have somewhat of a track record of participating in silly shenanigans, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a […]


my farmhouse bench poses as a coffee table

Good morning Cottage Fix friends! I’m blogging in today under sunny autumn skies, although the temperature dipped down into the low thirties last night. It’s unseasonably cool here for this time of year. Let’s just say I found myself sitting on one of the warm radiators this morning listening to them creak and crack back to life after a long summer’s break. I love radiator heat, it’s so cozy.We started our first fire of the season last night, complete with […]


cottage fix Friday Flower Power

Happy Friday!! I’m blogging in today with Friday’s flowers, I brought home bright fuchsia and pale pink carnations to add to my farmhouse bench in the living room. Things are lookin’ up! It’s been quite a week here in this silly little cottage with the silly little family, that’s for sure. After last weeks super busy weekend and all the excitement going on this week, we are so ready for a nice relaxing couple of days. Well I’m off to the gym […]


a farmhouse bench and market blooms

Hola Cottage Fix friends. I brought home these beautiful blooms from the market today to brighten up this shabby little cottage. I’ve been tidying up from the contractors, actually more like hardcore deep cleaning from two weeks of workboots and drywall dust schlepping up and down our stairwell. It’s exhausting. Quickshine works wonders on beaten up shabby old hardwoods. So to reward myself, pink and purple blooms always do the trick. A lady needs flowers in her life don’t you […]