Tag Archives: dishware

Trentwood bowls and heirloom Booths dishes

Happy Saturday! We’re getting so spoiled here on the coast of Virginia with absolutely glorious weather, mild sunny days and clear chilly nights. We broke in the fireplace this past week and managed to get away with not cranking on the heat. I think I cooked up every comfort food recipe I know as soon as the weather turned. Night after night it’s been all chicken pot pie, sausage and three bean chili, and last night roast beef and potatoes. […]


fall centerpiece

camellia and fall fruit

Happy Fall!!  So this is one of my new favorite decorating tips.  While you’re at the market, fill your basket with some of your families favorite produce, add some flowers or herbs or whatever you have from the garden, and call it a centerpiece.  I love how simple and pretty it looks.  My kiddo’s fall fruits of choice are pomegranate, pears, and apples, but the possibilities are endless!  A few posts back I did a similar centerpiece with clementines, I […]


clementine centerpiece

clementine with shutters

We’ve been pinching our pennies lately trying to save for Christmas, the upstairs bath remodel, and all of those things that just sort of pop up when you least expect it.  I don’t like it at all, but I’m sure I’ll be happy when we are picking out tiles and faucets!  My mom dropped off these beautiful clementines and I decided to use them for our dining table centerpiece along with a couple sprigs of camellia.  I don’t usually go […]


dining room & weathered shutters

After a crazy day, make that a crazy week, sometimes I just like to goof off, shuffle things around, and then shuffle things around again. This tends to cause a bit of confusion with the hubby and chillies and I get a lot of “Moommm, where are the spoons?” I know it’s wrong but this always makes me laugh! Don’t tell the kids. This is the dining room where a lovely set of shutters have decided to live for a […]


garden supper

One of my very favorite things about summer vacation is the long leisurely suppers by the pool or on a picnic table in the woods, wherever we happen to go that year. Nothing fancy, we usually order takeout or cookout on the grill. But along with some melon or strawberries and a bottle of wine, you have something special and reminiscent of those sweet summer days. Well its not quite summer, and we have no travel plans this weekend so […]


any yard sales?

Once Spring arrives my mom and I are always asking each other the same question, “Any yard sales this weekend?” We went to a great sale a couple weekends ago, and these vintage dishes have found a new home. The stack of little red bowls are my favorite! The vintage dishware mix nicely with the Martha Stewart Whiteware already in my kitchen hutch.