dining room & weathered shutters

After a crazy day, make that a crazy week, sometimes I just like to goof off, shuffle things around, and then shuffle things around again. This tends to cause a bit of confusion with the hubby and chillies and I get a lot of “Moommm, where are the spoons?” I know it’s wrong but this always makes me laugh! Don’t tell the kids. This is the dining room where a lovely set of shutters have decided to live for a while. My mom found these roadkill beauties and added the vintage hinges that belonged to my grandpa Buck. He collected all sorts of hardware, pocket knives, and little thinga-ma-bobs. I’m not exactly sure how these perfectly distressed shutters found their way over to my house, but I’m glad they have.

cottage dining room flowers

PS Still painting the living room – one wall down and three to go.

PSS The shutters are at my house because I have a generous mom who loves to share!

