Tag Archives: kitchen

cream cheese pound cake – heirloom recipes

Hello there Cottage Fix friends. We’re gearing up for a beach trip to the Outer Banks—take two. Looks like we might actually make it there this time; I’m feeling better, honey has off from work, and the kiddos have Fridays off from their summer school programs. I’m baking a couple of cakes to take along on our road trip—the banana bread I always make and this cream cheese pound cake from my grandmother’s handwritten cookbook. I grew up on pound […]


a vintage treasure hunt for cottage charm

Salutations! We’re still on break from the bathroom remodel and I’m still really enjoying that at the moment. The bad thing about a break is that it’s hard to get going again, if you know what I mean. It’s like when I come in for a drink while working in the garden on a hot summer day and then forget to go back out. I sit down with the ipad and a cold lemonade just for a moment and then […]


silvery blues and more cottage color

Hello there ladies of blogland and fine people of the world wide web. Long time no see! Things are finally getting back to normal here and I have a thousand projects to get finished before Thanksgiving. Yes, me having a thousand projects on my mind is normal around here. I made Thanksgiving my deadline because I like to make our household extra chaotic, and so come December the kiddos and I can decorate for Christmas in a project free cottage […]


fresh lemon layer cake

Salutations!  I brought home some cute little lemons last week mostly for decoration for our kitchen table. I also wanted to make a lemony something or other out of them too, but I just wasn’t sure what. I whirled around some ideas in my head — lemon chicken or lemon pasta maybe — something on the healthy side.  But instead of something leaning towards the healthy side I went with a cake, a fresh lemon layer cake from scratch. The recipe is […]


a kitchen table

I’ve always wanted a table in my kitchen, something understated and casual.  There’s something so old fashion about having a kitchen table, and it seems these days the kitchen table has slowly given way to the ever so popular kitchen island.  It’s so grandma chic and ever so cozy to share a meal at the kitchen table. I’m still moving things this way and that way after the piano landed in our living room, which is making the living room […]


any yard sales?

Once Spring arrives my mom and I are always asking each other the same question, “Any yard sales this weekend?” We went to a great sale a couple weekends ago, and these vintage dishes have found a new home. The stack of little red bowls are my favorite! The vintage dishware mix nicely with the Martha Stewart Whiteware already in my kitchen hutch.