Salutations! I’ve been working on this wallpaper backed mirror on and off for the past couple of weeks. The mix of vintage mirroring and floral paper creates something quite lovely, and even a bit magical. It’s a fun project and any old (or new) mirror will work for this. For mine, I used new pink floral wallpaper that I had ordered online earlier this year, but vintage papers are especially nice for this project.
I first saw something like this in Rachel Ashwell’s book Shabby Chic Inspirations and Beautiful Spaces (2011) featuring the home and artwork of Huw Griffith, who has recently become one of my favorite artists. He creates one of a kind mirrors, collages, and furniture pieces that are creative and soulful. His works are inspirational and remind me of a piece of vintage furniture that’s finish has perfectly chipped and flaked away over time making it even more beautiful.
Then the other day as I was scrolling through my Instagram feed I saw a collection of pretty mirrors resembling the one’s I’d seen in Rachel Ashwell’s book. Beautiful! My IG friend, Carlos @le_petit_grandiose, was so kind to share step by step instructions on how he created his lovely whimsical pieces of art. And then the wheels started spinning…
Vintage mirror and wallpaper art DIY
- remove some of the mirror paint from the back of the mirror with Brillo pad or chemical remover (my mirror was very stubborn and I could’t seem to get much off resulting in a more subtle look)
- cut a piece of wallpaper or fabric the same shape and size as your mirror by tracing it (if your mirror square or rectangle shape you can just measure it, but for curves tracing works well.)
- then cut a piece of cardboard or poster board the same shape and size to place behind the wallpaper also by tracing or measuring it out
- use nails or framing hardware to secure the layers into place
I was hoping to get more of the floral showing through, but for my first attempt I’m happy with how it turned out. I also had to touch up the mirror frame a tad with gold paint where the frame had been filled in with something green and goopy. I love how mysterious and enchanting these look. I was planning on hanging mine upstairs, but I thought it l looked so sweet here that this is where it’s staying for a while.
xoxo Sally
That’s really unique! I’ve never seen that before. I think you did just the right amount of wallpaper on it. It looks like a mirror that once had wallpaper on it and it was stripped away to reveal a mirror underneath.
Oh my gosh, this is beautiful, Sally!! I’ve never seen this done before, and it is so cool. It’s subtle but amazing!
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