Tag Archives: garden

cottage fix cherry blossoms

Happy Friday guys! The garden has been on my mind this past week with the arrival of spring and the early bloomers starting to show their stuff. So when we moved into this quirky vintage (old) cottage about five years ago now, we inherited gardens with flowering trees, ivy covered beds, and a variety of colorful perennials. I like to think we’re doing a fairly good job of keeping things going, along with adding in some of our favorite plants, […]


cottage fix Friday flowers

Hola Cottage Fix crew! I’m blogging in today under glorious sun filled skies and bright crisp air. The traditional yo yo temperatures we’re accustomed to here near the coast of Virginia are in full swing. Our weather people must stay on their toes that’s for sure. I even heard a mention of flurries in the forecast for later tonight—it was almost 80 degrees this past Wedneday. Oh yes, the floppin hoppers and toboggan worn all in the same week, a […]


Friday flowers from the late summer garden

Hello there Cottage Fix friends! I’m blogging in from the Virginia coast with a tropical storm heading our way. Hermine is headed straight for the Florida pan handle, and then forecast to make its way up the east coast. Those 70s I was dreaming of are looking more and more like they’ll be accompanied by buckets and buckets of rain, rain, rain. I’m still holding out hope for the sunshine and cool air to blow in on Sunday, but it […]


working in the late summer garden and pavers

Hola Cottage Fix friends! It’s starting to cool down here near the coast now that we’re heading into September, and I hear we’re in for a real treat come Friday. I’m anxiously awaiting the weekend forecast which is promised to be in the upper 70’s with low humidity. I can hardly wait to open up the house and let the fresh air in. Without a doubt four of my favorite words to hear are — “Let’s open the windows!” and […]


just another mopsy, flopsy drop cloth cover

Good summer morning to you Cottage Fix friends! It looks like another moppy drop cloth chair cover has made its way into our shabby little cottage with the pokey little rooms, creaky wooden floors, and fresh summer ivy sneaking up the the exterior of the sun porch. I’m in love with this super easy, super cheap look that adds effortless cottage style to our living room without a lot of fuss. When I say easy—buy a drop cloth, wash it, […]


hydrangeas and the flag

Salutations! We’re in the midst of a lounge-y four day holiday weekend with lots of cooking, gardening, vegging out on the sofa, and biking and hiking in the nearby trails. It’s been a mix of sunshine and storms which we’re really enjoying. An afternoon storm at the end of a hot humid day is always a treat for me, as long as I’m already at home that is. The storms roll in and pound us with rain and lightning, exiting […]


Purple hydrangeas from my parent’s garden

Salutations! My parents brought me these ginormous purple hydrangeas from their garden early last week. After posting a photo of them on Instagram I realized that purple is not a common hydrangea color. So I asked my padre about them. He explained that he sprinkles lime around the base of the plants yearly to keep the soil pH levels up and help create the deep purple hew. Both of my parents are blessed with green thumbs that they inherited from their […]


cottage fix Friday Flowers from the garden

Happy Friday Cottage Fix friends! Well, it’s been another one of those weeks with never-ending clouds and rain here on the ol’ coast of VA. And rain is in our forecast for both days this upcoming weekend. Ah man, the weird thing is I’m actually getting used to it. I keep thinking this is what it must be like to live in Seattle, the rain just keeps on coming and the coffee just keeps on brewing. Once I’m settled into a […]