Author Archives: sally

silvery sage painted chest

Hola Cottage Fix Crew! Long time no see. It’s been a crazy end of summer around here and even though I’ve been working on a couple of DIY projects, i haven’t had an opportunity to share them with you. So I’m very excited to get back into the swing of things! And today it’s all silvery sage paint with some farmhouse inspired styling. I wanted to give this old vintage chest a freshen up, and I’ve also been trying to […]


summer love

The latest summer view on our sun porch and at the nearby trail. I simplified our sun porch with the addition of three white linen pillows that I borrowed from our living room. I”m digging this clean fresh look on our sun porch doused in sunshine and whites. I scored these classic linen favorites a while back from H&M. xoxo Sally


sun porch mirror,shabby chic styling, and quiet

Salutations! I’ve been having some fun here in my quirky little cottage with the wonky furnishings and shabby decor while this homestead is feeling not quite so full. Honey has been on work travel for what seems like most of the summer, and the long, hot days are feeling even longer. So to keep myself busy in those quiet hours between morning and night, when the supper dishes are still drying, and mother nature has cast her magical sort of […]


it’s hot

Hola Cottage Fix friends! How’s your summer going? It’s hot here, week after week of hot. This past weekend Honey and i hopped on our bikes and headed to the nearby trail for a morning hike, something that has become somewhat of a weekend ritual for us. As we pulled in to park our bikes along the fence, I could feel a warm breeze coming off the shore and was greeted by the scent of the drying river bank. It’s […]


garden hydrangeas

Salutations and happy summer! Our summer garden is in full swing and the hydrangeas are blooming a variety of colors this year. From deep purple to classic blue, they are one of my favorite flowers, especially to cut and bring inside. I picked a couple of new blooms in lime green to add to this bouquet too. One was on it’s way to turning purple and the other blue. So I did some investigating about hydrangea color… Can you manipulate […]


happy cottage color

Hello there fine people of blogland! How are you? It’s been quite busy around here the past few weeks and I’m ready to get going on some decorating changes that I’ve been milling over. Let me tell you—if you want a wall color that will instantly improve your mood and put a smile on your face, paint it yellow! This is our guest room/game room, and every time I come in here I wonder why I didn’t paint my whole […]