I’m lightening things up for Spring with warm whites, red camellias from the garden, and a vintage crochet throw. The sofa is wearing all neutrals with white and taupe pillows and an ivory crochet throw, apparently she needed a little break from blue. I’ve been noticing more all white rooms on Pinterest and I want in!
The red camellias look vibrant against all the light fabrics in the living room. The planter I’m using as a vase I purchased at Target during the after-Christmas sales. I don’t think it looks Christmasy at all. I put three small jars inside the planter to hold water for the flowers.
Adding lightness to the living room without having white or light colored walls is a bit tricky. But adding more light colored accessories helps to achieve the look. You know the one I’m talking about, white walls, comfy white sofas, everything looking all white and dreamy. Sigh.
I borrowed the ivory pillow from the daybed in the guest room, the daybed is missing it indeed. If I decide to keep this look I’ll be needing to do some shopping for some additional ivory pillows. I’m sure my hubby will be very excited for me. Grin!