I hope you have been enjoying this week of sunny garden days at cottage fix as much as I have. I really didn’t realize how much time I spend working in the garden until I started writing this blog. I have a good time though. My hubby does all the heavy lifting so it’s not so bad. Except for the weeding; we both tackle those bad boys all the time. Today I’m sharing the dogwood blossoms from our tree in the front garden.
The dogwood is the state tree of Virginia and happens to be one of my favorite flowering trees. It comes in several different varieties and colors. I believe this is the Japanese flowering dogwood which blooms a few weeks later than its cousin the American flowering dogwood.
I filled up this chippy clay pot with the star like blooms to dress up the sunporch. I love this time of year when I can have flowers in more than one room since they are right out in the garden.