cottage roadkill

Anything sounds cute when you put the word cottage in front of it – roadkill or cottage roadkill.  Hee hee!  I’ll take one cottage roadkill please.

vintage chicken wire with flower

So I’m doing a little house hunting with my mom when she yells out “Stop! Back up!”  So I do and behold, we have stumbled upon the most charming little pieces of vintage chicken wire.  Why is it that even the chicken wire was cuter back then?

vintage chicken wire

One unexpected bonus to living in an older neighborhood is all of the old bits and pieces that people leave out at the curb for the claw to pick up.  So we are just as tickled as can be as we make our way home with one large piece and two smaller pieces of chicken wire roadkill.  Now that I’ve got it I’m not exactly sure what to do with it.  I might put it between the peony garden and the blackberry vines to give the blackberries a place to grow.  Any ideas?
