Tag Archives: wreath

Friday Flowers – blooming branches

Happy Friday Cottage Fix friends! And happy spring too! Just this past week the temps have been climbing a bit here near the coast of Virginia, and the early spring bloomers are making a beautiful scene all around town. In our garden, the magnolia, redbud, and cherry blossom are the first ornamental trees to bloom infusing a splash of color amidst the bare birches and fresh green grass. Although Farmer Brown is informing me we’re mostly weeds and moss this […]


a Christmas wreath of juniper and rosemary from the garden

Salutations! I’m blogging in today with a sweet whimsical DIY wreath to add a bit of Christmas curb appeal to any cottage. I just made this little guy using clippings of juniperĀ and rosemary from the garden. It’s not flashy, but it’s just enough. I was planning on purchasing one when we picked out our tree. But they all looked so dried out and I was afraid if the wind blew the wrong way it just might vanish into a puff […]