French farmhouse inspired bouquet

Bonjour Cottage Fix friends! Well last week was an entire week of rain. Oh yes, the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down. The hydrangeas really seemed to enjoy it. Me on the other hand, well I was happy to see the sun finally come back out. I’m not good at staying indoors so there were numerous walks with puddles underfoot and umbrellas overhead. Paisley basically stayed soakin’ wet for a whole week straight, poor little puppy.

Cottage Fix blog - blue enamel bucket filled with bluesWe went to the beach with a few friends last Sunday to soak up the all-day sunshine. I think we were all in need of a giant dose of Vitamin D. Merci sweet sunshine, we missed you. Our whole family came home feeling bright and chipper. Isn’t it nice when everyone’s in a good mood all at once! Cottage Fix blog - white slip sofa and hydrangeas After the rains, with the garden looking very quenched, I was craving something big and over the top to cut and bring indoors. I decided to fill my blue enamel bucket with as many blooms as I could possibly fit. Cottage Fix blog - white sofa and a canning jar filled with hydrangeaI’m so drawn to French style lately, drippy crystal chandeliers, soft muted colors, and floor to ceiling drapes. I’m daydreaming of strolling down a quaint cobblestone street lined with vegetable markets, fresh flowers, and the sweet smell of baguettes wafting through the warm air. Is that what it’s like? I wonder. Cottage Fix blog - hydrangeaFor now, it’s a bucket of blooms in the dining room and a canning jar filled with hydrangea in the living room that I arranged with a French farmhouse in mind. Grin. Last week, one of my readers mentioned that it’s a good idea to strip the leaves off of the portion of stem that’s in the water to keep the flowers fresh longer. I tried it and it definitely works. Merci, thanks for the tip.

Cottage Fix blog - dining room with French farmhouse inspired bouquetHere on the east coast the peonies came and went weeks ago and we are now enjoying hydrangeas. Mine look pretty good I guess, better than last year at least.

Cottage Fix blog - pillows and hydrangeas

Honey and I are walking Paisley each night after supper and we see some real beauties in our neighborhood. One of the things Honey noticed is the hydrangea plants that look really good are growing up against a house or a fence. I don’t know if there’s something to that or if it’s just a co-inky-dink. Cottage Fix blog - French farmhouse inspired bouquetAu revoir, Sally

Cottage Fix blog - living room with white slip sofa, blue floor pillows, and a canning jar filled with hydrangeaSharing with WOW ,Share Your Style, Feathered Nest Friday, and Shabbilicious Friday


10 thoughts on “French farmhouse inspired bouquet

  1. Kelly

    Oh I’m not a fan of endless days of rain either. You’re lucky to live near a beach where you were able to find some sunshine. I’m a big believer in the power of the sun and your mood. It really does work! I love your pretty fresh picked flowers. My hydrangeas aren’t blooming yet. I really only have one good bush left and I planted it next to our house last year. It is showing some healthy green leaves but no flowers yet. I’m always envious of people that have those huge bushes full of blooms! They last a long time once they’re cut and put in water too. Love that blue enamel bucket you used for your flowers!

  2. Gee

    Luvly bl8oms. My hydrangea bush is FULL… It just so happens to be planted against the house, not sure of that has anything to do with it. But I have been cutting blooms and bringing inside and you cannot tell. The bush is still full 🙂
    Here in Florida we don’t have peonies 🙁 But the Crepe Myrtle are getting ready to explode in blooms.
    Happy mid week!

    1. sally Post author

      Thanks Gee! You lucky lady!! There are several bushes in our neighborhood loaded with huge full blooms. Mine looks very sparse in comparison and the blooms aren’t very full. I’m going to read up and see if I can figure out what’s going on.
      xo Sally

  3. Doré Burlap Luxe

    It always feels French here to me! Less formal, but all the Frenchness one would want in a cottage Farmhouse.
    I think the Bleu bucket all by itself speaks the perfect accent with French country.
    Love the sweet corner with the darker woods and the naked frame, so relaxed, so inspiring.
    Nice to hear you had a great time at the sea, it’s always a good and pure for the soul, and the sun kissing your face is all one needs to lift their spirits.

    I will be planning to spend a lot of this summer at the beach with friends who moved to the waters edge of Laguna, and Manhatten beach Ca. I find it a place I can sit and take photos of what inspires ,me to paint or just come home and create something like you have done here with the hydrangeas in their beautiful bouquets :))

    Look forward to what next inspires a bit of French from you my dear.
    I too love the old world Rustic French where everything was on its neutral state of age.

    Fine days ahead of you.



  4. Carol Cook

    I’m off on some errands in a few minutes and now you have added some items to the list. I am picking up some flowers to add to my blue bucket.

  5. Kathy

    I need some flowers to brighten up our home on these gloomy rainy days. Poor Paisley!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful hydrangeas. Beautiful!!

  6. Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique

    Sally, what a beautiful post about French musings and gorgeous blooms. I’m delighted to be featuring this post at Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow as well as pinning and sharing on FB. Thank you for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

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