Hola Cottage Fix friends! Well, the calendar says it’s fall, but here on the coast of Virginia we’re still flopping around in our flip flops and sippin’ on lemonade. I have this little rule I made for myself – no pumpkin spice anything until I’m crunching leaves underfoot and grabbing a sweater as I head out the door. Fall is my favorite season and I’ve been hearing that a lot around town. I guess we’ll just have to keep on waiting!
I went ahead and purchased these beautiful mums for our back garden and a pumpkin for the front stoop. Mums and pumpkins are a classic cottage garden combination for sure. One of the mums has this little snail living in it. It’s been making an appearance every day for the past week or so. I hung one of the mums in my old crusty galvanized bucket. I just plopped it right on in the bucket still in the plastic container it came in. I placed a brick under the plastic container to prop in up to the height I wanted. So easy!
Thanks for visiting!
xoxo Sally