Category Archives: Vintage & Thrift

luck, kindness, and pink

Salutations! Ta da, we made it through two weeks of complete family togetherness chocked full of long walks, late meals, movies, and sale shopping. I must admit, it did get a bit hairy there for a minute or so at about a week and a half in. I’m fairly sure that if I asked, I’m the only one that would think so though. The rest of my family was in deep chill mode I’m almost certain. As for me, my […]


Cottage Fix something old, something new

Hola Cottage Fix friends! Hope you’re doing well during this busy time of year with all the hustle and bustle. I’m so excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas I can hardly stand it. I mostly keep finding myself fantasizing about the food and drifting into a happy daze; smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn casserole, and a tall glass of wine are a few of the traditional favorites at our family get together. And for some reason I always seem […]


Trentwood bowls and heirloom Booths dishes

Happy Saturday! We’re getting so spoiled here on the coast of Virginia with absolutely glorious weather, mild sunny days and clear chilly nights. We broke in the fireplace this past week and managed to get away with not cranking on the heat. I think I cooked up every comfort food recipe I know as soon as the weather turned. Night after night it’s been all chicken pot pie, sausage and three bean chili, and last night roast beef and potatoes. […]



Good morning Cottage Fix friends! How’s things? We’re in the midst of crazy town here, always are this time of year I guess. With school back in full swing and both kiddos participating in after-school activities it can be hard to keep up with everyone’s schedules. Just call me momager. Wink! I worked on this pale pink chair all last week and it’s finally finished. There was a lot of carting it in and out to the garage and waiting […]


and something pink…

Why hello there Cottage Fix crew! I’m blogging in today with another chalk paint project, this time in a lovely shade of pale pink. It’s the softest quietest shade of pink called Antoinette by Annie Sloan. I also used this color on my heirloom dresser last year and loved how it turned out. So I was sort of dying to try something in this shade of pink for downstairs. This little piano stool was the lucky winner! Grin.Just like most of […]


chippy, shabby, chippy, shabby blue paint trunk

Hola Cottage Fix friends! I hope your summer is truck, truckin’ along good. We’re quite busy here with just the regular day-to-day kind of stuff. I always try to wrangle together a beach day when we can fit one in, usually on the weekend. Along with much of the East Coast, we’re in the midst of a nightmare heatwave and I’m about done with it. The afternoons are almost unbearable as the temperatures soar and the air gets thick and […]


a pink kink…

Salutations! I’m blogging in today under gray skies with a chance of rain in our local forecast for the next six days. It seems our April showers are trickling into May. During long spells of rain like this, I like to line up a day or two of thrift store shopping and sometimes tackle a project on my to-do list. It depends on how motivated I’m feeling. I found a pair of Simply Shabby Chic pink and taupe floral shams […]


cottage fix collecting and garden blooms

Why hello there Cottage Fix friends! Today I’m talking bottle collections and garden blooms. Nothing takes me to my happy place like a garden full of Spring color and the scent of a freshly cut lawn. And bottles and blooms together are pure eye candy I’d say. I started my bottle collection over this past winter, kicking it off with a variety of recycled soda bottles and jam jars. They look so sweet in a grouping on there own or […]