Hi there Cottage Fix Crew! It has been one hot and humid summer here in Virginia and I’m so looking forward to fall! Although, our youngest little bird will be joining her older brother heading off to college this school year and I’m not so sure about how that will be. Dreadfully quiet I suppose, but they’re ready to soar! And waiting at home… their devoted, pining parents, unwillingly letting go of all helicopter parenting and lawnmower tendencies. I guess we might need a new puppy, or a flock of sheep for the backyard. Paisley has always wanted to be a sheep herding dog! Maybe a new puppy, flock of sheep, and a soft kitty. Grin. Our son is entering his third year and one thing I know from experience, they come home a lot more than expected! And I’m thankful for that!

Today I’m blogging in to share with you this charming gathering basket I found at the thrift store earlier this week. I’ve always wanted something like this to carry into the backyard when I’m picking a variety of blooms from different sections of our garden. I usually just pile them up in the grass and then bunch them all together. There’s not much out there worth picking these late summer days though, so I cheated and purchased these bright blooms from Trader Joe’s. I chose eucalyptus and two flower varieties that were labeled as “fillers.”

Our sofa is all decked out in neutral whites and creams right now. Mostly because I went with a new gray and taupe area rug and I’m not sure what to pair with it. Our living room rug seems to get more wear and tear than any other item in this quirky old cottage. This soft gray choice is proving to be a challenge that I can’t seem to get my head around. I figure neutral goes with everything so that’s where I’m at with pillows right now- all neutral warm whites. I might try something with a linen stripe or maybe a very soft cotton floral. Or maybe even just stick with all white.

I’m trying out drying flowers to make a wreath. I intended on purchasing some preserved botanical, but they are pricey. So I’ve been doing a bit of homework on preserving them myself as well as air drying. Our dining room is filled with the scent of eucalyptus. I hope this works!

xoxo Sally