Happy Friday guys! The garden has been on my mind this past week with the arrival of spring and the early bloomers starting to show their stuff. So when we moved into this quirky vintage (old) cottage about five years ago now, we inherited gardens with flowering trees, ivy covered beds, and a variety of colorful perennials. I like to think we’re doing a fairly good job of keeping things going, along with adding in some of our favorite plants, and changing things out as the garden grows and needs changing. I wouldn’t say great, but good, yes I’ll give us a good. Several parts of our yard were overgrown and hadn’t been tended to in years and those we dubbed the wilderness. It seems to be a never ending process of clearing out weeds and vines of all sorts. That’s all Farmer Brown!
In the back garden, which you can see right out our family room sliding door is an ornamental cherry tree. Its blooms take my breath away each and every spring with their palest of pink beauty. Two years ago it started looking really leggy and sparse so Farmer Brown hacked it way back after researching the appropriate pruning time and then we crossed our fingers. Last spring it wasn’t looking so good. And then this year I noticed cherry blossoms in full bloom all around town and when I checked on ours—barely any blooms. Oh no. But as the days pass, it’s getting fuller and fuller, and dare I say even looking healthy again. Maybe Farmer Brown really does have a green thumb after all. Or maybe it overheard us talking about what kind of tree we might put in it’s place and just got to it.
I clipped off a couple of branches to bring inside. I’m too nervous to cut too much in one season.
Thanks for popping over!
xoxo Sally
It looks like you’re going to have some beautiful blooms on your cherry tree. I just love when everything starts budding and blooming this time of year.
Those branches are a gorgeous touch of spring. I wish we had some flowering trees that I could cut from. We do have a wonderfully fragrant lilac bush but those are so short-lived after they are cut. I do love the smell for a few days in May, though!