chippy paint door for cottage style

Salutations! I’m blogging in today with a new addition to the cottage living room and I have to say I’m quite tickled with myself over this one. I’ve been wanting, make that obsessing over, a chippy paint door. I’ve seen so many dreamy weathered beauties on the web, but only a couple while out hunting around town for treasure and chippy paint goodness. The few that I found have been marked too high for me and the likes of an old chippy paint door.
Cottage Fix - cottage living room with chippy paint doorEvery time I’ve come across an overpriced beauty, my mom has mentioned that she has a stack of old doors in her back garage. I’ve actually gone and looked at them a couple of times now. But they’re not chippy, or weathered, they’re pretty old perfectly painted white doors and I’ve always passed.

Cottage Fix - Rosemary bundle

Do you see where we’re going with this … until now!

Cottage Fix - chippy paint doorThis time I decided to bring one home and sand it down and just see. As I sanded, layers of white gave way to cream and a light greenish gray color and one happy lady!

Cottage Fix - cozy scarfI sanded the other side too and it has slightly brighter colors and more green.

Cottage Fix - cottage living room with winter whites and chippy paint doorSo I placed this chippy cutie in the living room to add a little cottage charm to the corner of the room. She’s all dressed up with a snugly scarf and Rosemary from the garden. Along with the Morse chair, this little corner of the room is shaping up to be a nice and cozy corner for cold winter days.

Cottage Fix - Morse chairThis new addition has been a major topic at supper time as the family ponders why we need a “door to nowhere.” It’s a little nontraditional and weird for them I suppose. But they got used to the empty frame kick I was on for a while (still love those), they’ll get used to this chippy “door to nowhere” too!

Cottage Fix - dining room looking into living room with whites and wood tones

Paisley is completely wiped out! After a long rainy couple of days the sun finally came back out and we headed to the trail this morning for a super long walk. We’ve just gotten in now and she’s since found her sunny spot on the floor and that’s probably it for her! Me on the other hand, well I’m pretty excited to share this door with you so I’ve been buzzing around snapping photos and foofing. And now it’s back to the laundry, vacuuming, errands, dinner, and all those little things that I put on the back burner while enjoying the last couple rainy days of time off with family. Don’t mind chores at all with the sun shining in! Best get to it.

Cottage Fix - Paisley napping in the sunshinexoxo Sally

Cottage Fix - winter whites and pine


10 thoughts on “chippy paint door for cottage style

  1. JoAnne

    Love your gorgeous, chippy door Sally! It’s so funny when the family doesn’t quite “get” empty frames and chippy goodness but they are used to it now, I think. It’s very, very cold here in Ohio today so your corner by the fire looks so inviting. My kids went back to school yesterday and today school is cancelled due to snow and cold temps ~ darn it! : )

  2. Mary Alice Patterson

    Your door is perfect…LOVE the cozy corner of your living room. The photo of your dining room is wonderful with your beautiful cupboard and the contrasting white accessories. And I’m adoring the last two photos with your wicker goodies! Great inspiration for a new day!
    Mary Alice

  3. Vanessa Bower

    Such a pretty, chippy cottage door !!! I especially like the three hooks that are stategically placed so flowers and herbs can hang to dry by the fireplace.
    Also, I am lusting for that beautiful crocheted throw draped over the Morse chair.
    Don’t fret, my family doesn’t “get” some of my decorating ideas either. They chuckle and make jokes. But in the end, as long as WE think it’s perfect, that’s all that matters.
    Stay warm,

    1. sally Post author

      Thanks for the sweet comment Vanessa! The crochet throw was a B-day gift from my mom last year- it’s Pottery Barn. I love it too, it seems to look great no matter where I throw it.
      xo Sally

  4. kelly

    I love your new “old” door! That’s hilarious that your family calls it the door to nowhere. My family would have the same confusion, I think. LOL! I love old doors propped up like that and aren’t you lucky to have gotten yours from your very own mom? Love the colors you found layered underneath. Beautiful room!

  5. Julie

    The door looks great, Sally, and it’s so nice that your mom had it ready to give to you. I’ll bet you were really pleased as it transformed into a piece with patina 🙂

  6. Doré @ BurlapLuxe

    Oh my! You are singing to my cottage heart. I too took a 200 plus Year old door that belonged to my grandfathers home, when he passed I dragged it from the barn in LA. Calif. and brought it home to do just as you did, sand it down to see if more colour and age would pop through of course I washed it a bit with some grey, and putty paint tone to bring out more age. There is nothing more conversational then a door prop in a corner, or behind a side table encouraging a great style.
    Love the hooks on your door, you could even layer the door with hanging a mirror off the hooks or an oil painting framed in old ness!

    Your home is as cozy cottage as they get, and I am so going to enjoy getting to know you and your home style that much better.
    If you return and look at some of my older postings you will find my door next to my sofa tucked in the corner behinds a side table layered with mirrors and a lamp!

    I am off to enjoy some of your older postings.

    A beautiful month of inspiration to you.


  7. Kathy

    I am glad you finally took your mom’s advice. That door is amazing!
    Moms always seem to know what’s best. 🙂
    Love your pictures. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Robin

    Your new door to nowhere looks perfect in your room. I have to laugh at your family just a little, they sound so much like mine at times and just don’t “get” why I like things – – but they humor me, tease me and then it’s all “normal” LOL.

    I just have to comment on the blanket draped over the chair – – it’s gorgeous!

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