Salutations! I’ve been at it again, shuffling things around, up to shenanigans, or what Honey likes to call “up to no good!” He’ll be happy to know that this collection of vintage mirrors was created with the ones I had already acquired on another day when I was knee deep in some other shenanigans. I just brought them all together to hang out and get to know one another here on the big blank wall in our living room—the big blank wall that keeps me up at night with it’s uninspired emptiness waiting for me to come up with some sort of something.
So if you follow along with my decorating endeavors, then by now you have probably noticed that I have a thing for mirrors, especially pretty vintage ones. I hung the three mirrors on the right a few months back, but the wall still felt empty, vacant, desolate. So I stole a couple from here and there to add to the wall collection. It’s getting there.
This all started last year when we purchased a vintage baby grand piano we found (and by found I mean researched, agonized, and researched some more) on good ole Craigslist. So I had this room all sorted out, and then comes a largish piano. Its’s a work in progress, but it’s getting there. We’re thrilled with the piano though, especially with the kiddos playing all the time. I feel like I’m in a movie and my theme song is playin’ in the background.
The peonies are spectacular this year. I’ve plucked several bouquets from the garden and they’re still blooming. They’re bright pink and fade away gracefully leaving a puddle of pink. I thought they’d be a nice choice to highlight the mirrors and add a shot of spring color.
So I’m going to try shifting around some furniture in here soon. We had a party for our son this past weekend and I realized that many of our guests were standing around with nowhere to sit or set their drinks. I need to step out of my oh-so-fun delusion that our cottage is merely a play place for decorating and prettying things up for the blog. People actually sleep, wake, eat, work and play here. Oh yeah! Maybe a few chairs lined up against the wall filled with fluff isn’t the most practical layout (I stole that cross back cutie from the dining room), but isn’t it sweet to photograph. Smirk. Anyway, I’m going to try to add in some practicality and function, but I’m not making any promises.
The cool air blew in today and up went the windows, my favorite. It really is the simple things, don’t ya think… open windows, lace in the breeze, coffee with cream, beveled mirrors, and bright pink peonies. We’ll be out working in the garden today while the weather’s nice, it’s looking like a jungle out there. Farmer Brown might need to upgrade to industrial power equipment – farm style that is. Happy Weekend!
xoxo Sally
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Your mirror collection looks great on the wall! I bet it really is nice to hear your kids playing the piano during the day. I grew up with a grand piano in the house too. I never learned to read music but just tinkered on the keys. It was fun. Your flowers look beautiful. I have one peony bush in the yard that I cut from but it doesn’t yield a lot of lowers. So, I’m lucky to get one at a time.
I adore your wall of mirrors, Sally. Loving the rectangular etched one!
Mary Alice
Sally, your posts is so enjoyable! I love the way you wright and your pictures are so pretty! That vintage mirror display is heavenly and I am totally smitten!
Thank you so very much for sharing it with me for Something to Talk About!
Beautiful gallery wall done in mirrors. A great way to add depth to the room. Such pretty flowers!
Thank you for sharing.